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Terms of Use

Terms of Use

On this page you can take part of Academic Works user conditions. Please read these terms of use carefully before you register for an account and use our services. By registering an account you accept our terms of use and Academic Work undertakes to provide the Services in accordance with the terms of use.

Uppdaterad den: 26 sep. 2023

Användarvillkor på svenska

As a candidate in Academic Work's database we offer you the opportunity to apply for jobs and to explore new carrier opportunities. By register for an account with us, Academic Work will be able to find your profile for available positions, you also get an opportunity to apply for open positions and the opportunity to create job alerts (*hereafter referred to the ”Services”). In addition, as a registered candidate you gain access to our recruitment services and job search services, you find a more detailed description of our services under the page Söka jobb (only available in Swedish).

1. General

1.1 The Services are offered by Academic Work Sweden AB, reg. no. 556559-5450, Drottninggatan 23, 582 25 Linköping ("Academic Work", "we", "our", "us")
1.2 If not agreed in writing, the terms of this agreement (the "Terms") govern your use of and access to the Services
1.3 Some products or services offered through the Services are offered by third parties and not by us. Academic Work is not liable for products and/or services offered by third parties. The terms and conditions of the third party will be applicable for such products and services.
1.4 By using the Services you have agreed to the Terms and confirm that you fully understand the meaning of the rights and obligations in the Terms.

2. User account

2.1 In order to use the Services you need to register for a user account. A user account can be registered (i) on our website, (ii) through phone or (iii) at any of our events.
2.2 As a user, you are obliged to make sure that the information you provide to Academic Work is correct.
2.3 As a user, you are solely responsible for all usage under your user name and password which has been given to you and/or been created through your account. If your user account or password is lost or stolen, or if you have a reason to suspect that an unauthorized access of your account has occurred, you shall immediately inform Academic Work and change your password. As a user, you are responsible for all use under your user name and password until Academic Work has received and confirmed receipt of your notification.
2.4 If a user provides, discloses or loses its user name or password, Academic Work is not liable for any damage or loss occurred in relation thereto.

3. The scope of the services

3.1 By register for an account with us you get access to the Services which includes the following:

  • You become available to our recruiters in our candidate database.
  • You can apply for open positions we communicate on our own or our customers' behalf.
  • You can create job alerts and thus get direct information regarding open positions matching your search criteria.

3.2 Your account and the functions included in the Services will be activated as long as you use them. If you have not logged in to your account for a period of three years, your account will be deactivated, and information linked to your account may be deleted. More information about Academic Works processing of personal data can be found in our Privacy Policy.

4. Using the services

4.1 As a user you are solely responsible for that your use of the Services is in accordance with the guidelines and instructions you receive from Academic Work from time to time.
4.2 When you register for an account you are solely responsible for information, data, text, messages and other material which is supplied or created by you when using the Services ("User Content").
4.3 Academic Work reserves the right, in its own discretion, to refuse to accept, publish, display, use or in another way make public User Content. In addition, Academic work has the right, without prior notice, to remove all User Content which Academic Work considers in breach with the terms of use, applicable laws, regulations or guidelines.

5. Early termination

5.1 As a user you may at any time chose to delete your user account and thus terminate this agreement with immediate effect by following the instructions on the website.
5.2 Academic Work may terminate this Agreement by thirty (30) days' notice to you as a user, via the e-mail address you provided at registration of your user account. If you have not provided an e-mail address, Academic Work may terminate the agreement by sending you a message in writing through the Services. 5.3 Your right to use the Services expires at termination of the agreement.

6. Personal data

6.1 In order to provide the Services we must process your personal data. Please review Academic Work's information on processing of personal data and the use of cookies explaining the individuals rights as well as the legal basis for Academic Work's processing of personal data (including cookies) provided or collected through the Services or the website, read more on our page Privacy Policy.

7. Availability and limitation of liability

7.1 Our intention is that the Services shall be available at all times and that errors and deficiencies should be corrected without undue delay. By registering for an account you confirm that you are aware of and accept that the Services are free of charge and that Academic Work does not guarantee that the Services (or parts thereof) will be provided without disruptions, disturbances, delays or other errors.
7.2 Except for damage caused intentionally or by gross negligence by Academic Work, Academic Work's liability is limited to direct damage caused to you as a user by Academic Work's breach of contract.

8. Amendments

8.1 Academic Work reserves the right to change these Terms at any time.
8.2 With a reservation for User Content, Academic Work reserves the right to, at any time and without any prior notice, amend and update the content of the Services. Academic Work does not assume any liability for any consequences arising due to such amendments and/or updates. If you continue to use the Services after such amendments have been effective, you, as a user, are considered to have accepted such amendments and updates.

9. Governing law and disputes

9.1 These Terms shall be governed and construed in accordance with the substantive law of Sweden, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law.
9.2 As a consumer, you are entitled to have disputes arising out of these Terms resolved through alternative dispute resolution, provided that the dispute fulfills the requirement thereof (for example requirements pertaining to time and value). Academic Work undertakes to contribute to alternative dispute resolution with consumers under the law on alternative dispute resolution in consumer relations.

Relevant board for dispute resolution is:
Allmänna reklamationsnämnden
Box 174, 101 23 Stockholm

9.3 The European Commission has developed a platform for dispute resolution out-of-court. This enables you to resolve disputes in connection with online orders, without having to initiate a court proceeding.

The platform is available here.